Total Medals Earned: 351 (From 68 different games.) Total Medal Score: 7,150 Points
Medals Earned: 6/12 (45/115 points)
Fall to the world below.
Collect 10 endurance fruits.
Touch 100 flowers.
Touch 300 flowers.
Max out your endurance bar.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Kill 5 creatures.
Kill 20 creatures.
Collect 11 gems.
Medals Earned: 9/10 (425/475 points)
Medals Earned: 18/18 (500/500 points)
Checked credits page
Buy 3 upgrades
Play Without Music
Click 10,000 Times
Clicked 1,000 Times
Catch 50 fishes
Earn 10,000 Stars
Hit the beanstalk 50 times
Mine 50 ores
Buy all stronger muscle upgrades
Buy all outfit upgrades
Buy 10 outfit upgrades
Play game for 1 hour
Hire all workers
Clicked 50,000 Times
Earn 1,000,000 Stars
Cut down the giant beanstalk
Buy All Upgrades
Medals Earned: 4/5 (50/100 points)
Medals Earned: 3/5 (20/95 points)
Complete mission 1
Complete mission 5
Complete mission 10
Complete mission 15
Complete all missions
Medals Earned: 20/30 (250/495 points)
Dealin’ With Pirates
Evade Arrest From Hadriel
Free Tor From Jail
Defuse Mara’s Bomb And Save Angela
Win Calavera’s Game
You’re Pretty Good With An Axe
With The Sight Of The Joker!
A Wise Old Man
The Junkie
Sex Addict
Rum Swiller
Naughty Or Nice?
Death Row
Rival Drug Dealer
Complete Hell Runner Part 2
How Did That Get In There?...
Pay Your Respects To The Divine Statue Azbogah
Have The Watch Appraised By A Connoisseur.
Einherjar Of Valhalla
Angel Killer
Harvester Of Souls
0 Failed Attempts On All Challenges
Medals Earned: 12/14 (465/485 points)
Hire your first adventurer into the agency.
Reject an application from an adventurer wishing to join your agency.
Increase your agency reputation for the first time.
Have an adventurer reach level 50.
Earn at least 100,000 gold.
Achieve a World Renowned reptuation for your agency.
Honour your first adventurer.
Spend at least 150,000 gold.
Hire an adventurer in every party member slot.
Claim the rewards from every location task.
Prestige an adventurer.
Honour an adventurer in every party member slot.
Witness the demise of one of your adventurers.
Sack an adventurer who is at least level 10.
Medals Earned: 5/5 (210/210 points)
Perform 1000 clicks.
Upgrade Nando to the max level.
Collect coins and gems worth £1M.
Have £500k in hand.
Reach the cave of rich.
Medals Earned: 1/16 (5/500 points)
Complete the tutorial.
Use 5 Recipes in one turn
20% Recipe Completion
Lose the game.
20% Meal Completion
40% Recipe Completion
40% Meal Completion
60% Recipe Completion
60% Meal Completion
Beat the game
80% Meal Completion
80% Recipe Completion
Beat the superboss.
100% Recipe Completion
100% Meal Completion
Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/160 points)
Score over 1000 points
Score over 2000 points
Score over 3000 points